DAM Knowledge Base

This category contains Know-how articles and tutorials for IMatch plus articles about Digital Asset Management (DAM) and digital imaging in general.

IMatch Keyword Panel

Free Controlled Vocabularies for IMatch

The IMatch Thesaurus is a very powerful tool for creating and managing controlled vocabularies  – not only for keywords! What is a Controlled Vocabulary? A controlled vocabulary (Wikipedia) is basically a list of hierarchical keywords and synonyms. Instead of manually entering keywords, you pick them from the thesaurus. This not only makes keywording (tagging) files […]

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The 'Did You Know`?' App Screen Shot

The ‘Did You Know? App

The Did you Know? app included with IMatch contains a large number of helpful topics, highlighting certain features or options. The app to be used while you work with IMatch, reminding you of rarely used features or giving you tips for how to work more efficiently. You can open it from the Help menu or

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The App Panel at different scales

App Panel Scaling

IMatch apps are designed to be responsive and adapt to the current screen resolution. But sometimes this may not be enough, for example, when you want to use very small App Panels to maximize the screen estate available for other panels or the file window. Or when you use IMatch on a small tablet or

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IMatch Logo with Cloud

IMatch and Cloud Storage

Services like Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive and others make it very easy to backup files into the cloud. This is often used as a second or third tier backup strategy. In addition to local backups of all your important files for easy and quick recovery. This know-how article explains how your can integrate cloud

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