An image showing colorful shipping containers in an orderly arrangement to represent the order a DAM software like IMatch creates in your image collection.

Why Photographers Benefit From a Locally Installed Digital Asset Management System for Windows

Why Photographers Benefit From a Locally Installed Digital Asset Management System on Windows In the modern world of photography, where thousands of high-resolution images are captured and edited every day, the need for a robust Digital Asset Management (DAM) system has never been more critical. Whether you’re a professional photographer working with clients or a

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A screen shot of the comprehensive IMatch Help System.

The IMatch Help System

The comprehensive IMatch Help System is available online. It is constantly enhanced and updated. You can reach it from inside IMatch by pressing the F1 key or clicking the Help button available in IMatch dialog boxes. This is context-sensitive, IMatch opens the best matching topic from the Help System for the current situation. You can

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The 'Did You Know`?' App Screen Shot

The ‘Did You Know? App

The Did you Know? app included with IMatch contains a large number of helpful topics, highlighting certain features or options. The app to be used while you work with IMatch, reminding you of rarely used features or giving you tips for how to work more efficiently. You can open it from the Help menu or

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