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IMatch Scripting and Apps / Re: Whats wrong with my PS1 Sc...
Last post by Carlo Didier - July 21, 2024, 09:10:13 PM
I think it would be much faster to let iMatch do the search for you instead of searching in a PS1 loop that runs tons web requests.

Here's an example from one of my scripts:

$arrImageParts = ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$webIMatch/search/filename?auth_token=&scope=database&pattern=^$strImageName\.&sortby=filename-Asc").Content | convertfrom-json).files

That's very fast.
Imatch is a databse and the most efficient and fastest way to do searches is always to use the internal engine of the database.

Is it possible to copy categories that I have created on one computer to another computer?

IMatch Scripting and Apps / Whats wrong with my PS1 Script...
Last post by RobiWan - July 21, 2024, 07:16:41 PM

I have some small scripts yet. They are working but, here a example

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)][string]$Filename

$PAGE_SIZE = 5000
$fileNames = @(get-content $Filename)
$windowName = (gci "$fileName").BaseName
$PAGE = 0
# Write-Host -Object "Login in WebService"
$authenticate = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$URI/v1/authenticate" -Method Post -Body @{'id' = $env:USERNAME; 'password' = ''; 'appid' = '' }
$auth_token = $authenticate.auth_token
# Write-Host -Object "Login with Token $($auth_token)"

while ($true) {
    $result=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$URI/v1/files" -Method GET -Body @{'page' = $PAGE; 'pagesize' = $PAGE_SIZE; 'fields' = 'id,filename';'auth_token' = $auth_token}
    foreach($file in $result.files){
        foreach($name in $fileNames){
            if($file.fileName.ToLower() -eq $name.ToLower()){
    if($result.files.length -lt $PAGE_SIZE){break}
    # Write-Host -Object "Page $PAGE"

Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$URI/v1/imatch/resultwindow/open" -Body @{'name' = "$windowName"; 'id' = $($Match -join ",");'auth_token' = $auth_token}

& 'C:\Users\robert\ownCloud\PowerShell\Fotografie\IMatch\Collect Files from File.ps1' "C:\Temp\ohneBewertung.txt"

All works, but it needs much more time than IMatch APP "Dateisuche und dann Stapelsuche". Do I have an error in my script/procedure?
Quote from: Mees Dekker on July 21, 2024, 08:32:34 AMI import all my latest pictures into IMatch, rename them, do some culling, add geo information and categories (I don't use keywords) and only after that I start developing the selected files.

Exactly my workflow + ACR and Photoshop.

The only time I use Lightroom is for producing timelapses with the brilliant LRTimelapse plug-in.
General Discussion and Questions / Re: how did you change your Li...
Last post by Mario - July 21, 2024, 09:00:31 AM
Quote from: philburton on July 21, 2024, 07:06:34 AMMaybe I should have said, only one program at a time can save XMPs.  If Lightroom is being used, and is saving XMPs, then I guess that iMatch should be "just watching."

IMatch always watches the file system.
When Lr saves changes to XMP files, IMatch notices that and automatically re-imports the XMP to update the database.
IMatch does not write XMP data without the user performing a write-back. Or the user switching IMatch to immediately writing back files (not recommended) and then modifying metadata for files.
Lr does only detect changed files and marks them. The user has to import modified metadata manually.


a) Is not possible. Lr does not work that way. Everything works "through" Lr's catalog.

b) ACR indeed has evolved a lot over time, providing many features to process and improve RAW files during import, before editing them in Ps (or other software). What Lr brings onto the plate are advanced masking / editing and presets to produce certain "looks" quickly.
As many people have learned when Lr became subscription only and they moved to other RAW processors , software like DxO or C1 offers superior RAW processing, AI-based optimization and whatnot too. Often even better than Lightroom.
This may seem a very silly question, but nevertheless. Why develop RAW files in LrC and not in Adobe Camera RAW?

I import all my latest pictures into IMatch, rename them, do some culling, add geo information and categories (I don't use keywords) and only after that I start developing the selected files.

a. How can one open a picture directly in LrC, so without having to import it first into the LrC catalogue?
b. If import to LrC is necessary/obligatory; why not open it in PS? PS had the same RAW editor (Adobe Camera Raw) as LrC. It saves the hassle of importing into LrC and as far as I know, PS is included in the Adobe subscription for LrC without any extra fee.
Quote from: RobiWan on July 17, 2024, 08:39:25 AM
Quote from: philburton on July 17, 2024, 01:54:18 AMAnd I know that iMatch and Lightroom can't be running at the same time.
Why not? I have very often both applications running and I don't see any problems.

Only the one point can be maybe important - deactivate immediately writing Metadata (XMP files) in LR.

Maybe I should have said, only one program at a time can save XMPs.  If Lightroom is being used, and is saving XMPs, then I guess that iMatch should be "just watching."

If other developers didn't detect the malware, what are the chances that a one-man shop would have the resources to do that.

Mario, good on you for avoiding Open Source.  There is big, big money in cybercrime and it is safer than dealing drugs, bank robberies, or gambling rackets.
Thanks for the support