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I actively promote it to the members of my fotoclub.
Solved Bug Reports (for next version) / Re: Face Arrangement
Last post by Mario - July 16, 2024, 09:11:23 AM
Quote from: Tveloso on July 16, 2024, 04:10:43 AMAfter a Force Update:
  • Variable {File.Faces.Arrangement.Type} returned "No Faces" again
  • File was no longer Pending Writeback (I was surprised by this - I expected those three tags to still call for a Writeback, since they had now changed from no value to having values)
When you force an update, you wipe everything from the database and then reload the file. If IMatch does not produce "new" tags or values (e.g. Date Subject Created) this is normal.

Can you repeat this by copying the file into a new folder outside of IMatch and then adding that folder.
If this is caused by a particular file, I have something to work with.

I will check if propagating face annotations can somehow cause issues with the face arrangement data.
But even moving a face annotation slightly in the Viewer or removing and re-creating it also re-creates the face arrangement data.
Quote from: CVKen3 on July 15, 2024, 11:47:07 PMI occasionally mention IMatch on Threads, when people are looking for Lightroom replacements, and the like.
Thanks. That's a very good form of "marketing". Actual users of a product liking it and telling others about it.

For a small software vendor it has become nearly impossible to get tracking since the big players like Adobe buy out all of the DAM -related keywords in Google ads, making it impossible expensive.
Their marketing and social media departments constantly churn out SEO-optimized "content" and post it on all social channels, from YouTube to X. "Endorser" deals with famous people in the field open up another layer of channels to praise their products.
It's hard to get heard or mentioned these days...
Solved Bug Reports (for next version) / Re: Face Arrangement
Last post by Tveloso - July 16, 2024, 04:10:43 AM
I see this here as well.

I have over 300 Files that contain Faces, but are in the No Faces child Category, of the Face Arrangement Category.

The vast Majority of them are Versions, that have had Face Annotations propagated to them from their Masters (but a few are not part of a Version Set).  So perhaps propagating Face Annotations plays a role?

I took one of these files, and tried deleting the Annotations, and doing a Forced Update, as discussed here, but for me the {File.Faces.Arrangement.Type} variable returned "No Faces" again afterwards.

The following was true for the Sample File:
  • It contained two "normal" Face Annotations
  • The {File.Faces.Arrangement.Type} variable was returning "No Faces"
  • The Person Records for the two Persons had generated three Keywords for the file (and these were the only Keywords for the file)
  • The File was not Pending Writeback

After deleting the Face Annotations via the Viewer (Ctrl+A, and Delete), the following was true:
  • Variable {File.Faces.Arrangement.Type} now returned nothing
  • File became pending for writeback (for XMP::Lightroom\HierarchicalSubject, XMP::dc\Subject, and XMP::iptcExt\PersonInImage)

After a Force Update:
  • Variable {File.Faces.Arrangement.Type} returned "No Faces" again
  • File was no longer Pending Writeback (I was surprised by this - I expected those three tags to still call for a Writeback, since they had now changed from no value to having values)
I occasionally mention IMatch on Threads, when people are looking for Lightroom replacements, and the like.
Solved Bug Reports (for next version) / Re: Face Arrangement
Last post by Mario - July 15, 2024, 10:46:35 PM

QuoteAre those results used by iMatch
Yes. Also faces stored by Picasa and other DAM systems.

See Working with XMP Face Regions
Quote from: CVKen3 on July 15, 2024, 09:41:08 PMHaha! It's always something unusual. Thanks for the update and thanks for all the work you do. As a user, I really appreciate it and love IMatch. :)
You're welcome.
Another bug bites the dust  ???

If you like IMatch, it would be cool if you can let others know.
There is so much crappy sub-optimal software out there, but fitted with big marketing money...
Solved Bug Reports (for next version) / Re: Face Arrangement
Last post by philburton - July 15, 2024, 10:34:46 PM
What about the situation where existing photos have had a Facial Recognition scan in Lightroom?  Are those results used by iMatch?  Do they need to be deleted (in Lightroom) before the photos are imported into iMatch?
Thanks, I'll give it a try.
Haha! It's always something unusual. Thanks for the update and thanks for all the work you do. As a user, I really appreciate it and love IMatch. :)