imatch 2023.1.18 has been released.

Started by Mario, July 13, 2023, 01:20:58 PM

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Still working tirelessly and mercilessly on reproducing, tracking down and fixing the bugs you discover.
Thanks (and my apologies) to all users who ran into a glitch/problem/bug and who reported it in the official bug report board.

This version fixes most of the bugs reported so far.
If you have IMatch 2023 already installed, please update it to this new release.

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Finally! IMatch 2023 has been officially released.
See IMatch 2023 - What's New? for an overview video and additional details.

All changes, enhancements and bug fixes included in this version are listed and explained in the release notes.

Important: Please read the Release Notes for this version before installing.
Don't forget to read release notes of previous versions if you have skipped one or more updates.

Read the full release notes for IMatch 2023 if you don't have already.

See Migrating to IMatch 2023 in the Help System for details and important instructions.


As usual when installing new software, make a backup of your data, including your IMatch database.
For more info about backup see the Backup help topic in the IMatch help.

To manage and download all your licensed products, visit the customer portal.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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