something strange happens - had to close IM5 via task-manager

Started by Gerd, August 22, 2013, 08:13:58 PM

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I was busy with assigning categroies to my pictures: all unassignd pics are in cat NEW, after assigning, I unassign from NEW via Shift + categorie NEW in panel Categorie History, so far so good.
Suddenly a Win7-window pops up with name "Plak-Toets" (it's Netherlands), I don't know at moment, for what it is. But 5x pressing the shift-key switches on and left-shift and right-shift pressed together switches this off ... never seen .. I have to investigate ...

But in that moment, wher I closed this window, IM5 begins to read-in the categories (lower-left area in IM5-window), then to read-in the directories, then a white screen, after that again read-in categories ... and so ... one time after the other.

I stopped IM5 in that moment, where the white screen appers via task-manager and stopping the process ...

After that I did for the safety a restart of my PC, after that a new start of IM5. OK, IM5 shows a message, that it is not finished in a normal way and suggest to run a diagnose, also a message, that a log-backup was saved (I forgot where...), I did it with Ctrl + Start to skip the optimalization (I did it this morning and it took 1,5 h). All checks are OK.

I only found the log-file after the diagnose and there I see nothing special ...

In general, my database is working and as far as I can see, with no problems ... but strange, what has happened ...
