A possibility to sort images by random

Started by sinus, May 01, 2023, 10:31:00 AM

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Well, I do stumble always over this.  ::)
Sometimes I would like to have some randomly sorted images.

If I think, this is from time to time interesting, maybe I am not the only one. Who kows?  :)

At the moment, e.g. I do some "memory-stuff" with numbers and icons. Each number has a specific icon.
And I want to memorize them. 

Or I want to create a kind of game for others. 
Well, in this case it would be helpful, if I could simply select some images and create a sort order by random. 

Or, my folder-system is yyyy-mm-dd. 
Hence I can e.g. select all images in one month or year.
If I have time, it is sometimes simply relaxing and interesting, to view some images, what I took in one year.

Well, to look at each image, neatly sorted by time, is for this a bit boring.
It would make much more fun, to have a randomly sort-order.

A sort order by random could be also interesting for a slideshow or Design&Print. 
Or simply for the viewer. 

Maybe I am the only one  8) but I would like to have the possibility inside IMatch, to create a sort-order by random for the selected images.
Maybe with a variable, what could use with a sort-profile, or how whatever, it would be cool, to have this possibility. 

btw, we have once talked about this: 

At the moment I do this by selecting a tag in the sort-profile, where I think, the value is a bit different, like headlines. This is quite good, but a bit a one-way-system, after a while you will run out of possibilites with different tags. 
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


The Slide Show in IMatch supports a random sort order.
I don't see the need for random sort orders elsewhere. Let's see how many users would consider this useful by liking your post.


I did not know, that the slideshow supports a random order, sorry. 
But I do not use the slideshow a lot. 

Nevertheless I think, it would be usefull, to have this also in other parts, like viewer and File Window. 
Exactly, let's see if other users are interested.  :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I decided to add a Random Order attribute to Sort Profiles. Using this attribute stand-alone (without any other attribute) produces a random sort order.

Note that the random order changes every time the File Window reloads or when you press <F5>.
Don't use a random profile while you actively work with files (e.g. categorize them or work with persons) because this will cause the File Window to reload and change the order.

A random order works well for presentation purposes (Viewer), Design & Print, Batch Processor etc.


Wow, very cool!!!
Thanks a lot, Mario.

This will help me a lot to do with images, perhaps a little on the playful side.  8)

And I hope really, that this is for some other users also interesting. 
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)