This sounds like it could possibly be a lot of work to add this feature, for perhaps not a lot of value to many users...but I was thinking that I would like to have my Category Tree under @Keywords also include those Keyword Levels that are set as Group Levels in the Thesaurus (and so, are not actually in my files).
I know that @Keywords represents only the Hierarchical Keywords that are actually assigned to files, and as such, it probably makes no reference to the Thesaurus currently, so it might be quite a bit of work to add this feature. I imagine that it would be similar to the work that IMatch does at ingest, when creating Hierarchical Keywords from Flat Keywords, per the Lookup keywords via thesaurus option in Edit Menu > Preferences > Metadata.
But I like the idea of having a configuration option to turn on this behavior...I think it would make for a tidier @Keywords Tree.
So, for example, if I have the following off the "root" of @Keywords:
|- DayPart
|- Afternoon
|- Evening
|- Afternoon
|- Sunrise
|- Sunset
|- Event
|- Misc
|- People
|- Places
|- Portugal
|- Puppy
|- United Kingdom
|- United States
...I would be able to structure it like this (by setting that new configuration option):
|- Misc
|- Animals
|- Puppy
|- DayPart
|- Afternoon
|- Evening
|- Afternoon
|- Sunrise
|- Sunset
|- Event
|- Locale
|- Place
|- Country
|- Portugal
|- United Kingdom
|- United States
|- WHO
|- People
...without actually changing the Keywords in the files themselves.
This would allow for a better grouping (particularly for the Countries - they would appear together, and not among other "unrelated Keywords"). And the @Keywords branches could then be collapsed down to a nice small list, in order to zero in on only certain parts of the Hierarchy:
|- Locale
|- Place
|- Country
|- Portugal
|- United Kingdom
|- United States
|- WHO
Please let me know your thoughts on the value of such a feature, and/or if it would be just too much work to implement...(or if perhaps this is already possible in IMatch - there have been a number of times in the past where something I thought might be a good feature to request was "already in there")
As you have guessed, this would indeed be a massive amount of work, including very deep changes in the way data-driven categories are created etc.
Not judging this FR. Just saying.
Thank you Mario...I suspected that.
In hind site, I probably should not have proceeded directly to a Feature Request, and should have posted this in General Discussions and Questions.
Given that what I was requesting can be achieved simply by not setting Group Levels, I think I might just do that...(and also set those Levels to not map to the flat Keywords).
Thanks again.