09.06 15:35:56+1183328 [40C0] 00 I> # Logfile opened. 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [40C0] 02 I> Parsing command line arguments 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [40C0] 02 I> Service main starting. 09.06 15:35:56+ 15 [40C0] 02 I> [C:\Program Files\photools.com\IMatchWebServices\IMatchWebService.exe], version info: 2019.31.4 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> ServiceMain running. 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> Service runnung under user account 'SYSTEM' 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> ServiceMain running with 2 arguments. 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> Service status set to pending. 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> Config file specified on command line: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatchAnywhere\IMWS\imwsconfig.xml 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> Loading configuration file: 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatchAnywhere\IMWS\imwsconfig.xml'. 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> Event created. 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> Connecting to web service. 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> 2 arguments: 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> IMatchWebService 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatchAnywhere\IMWS\imwsconfig.xml 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> Loading plug-ins from folder 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\IMatchWebServices\plugins\' 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> Plug-in: C:\Program Files\photools.com\IMatchWebServices\plugins\ptpimm6x64.impi 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> Plug-in: C:\Program Files\photools.com\IMatchWebServices\plugins\ptpipip6x64.impi 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> Processing configuration file 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\IMatchWebServices\plugins\ptpiconfig.xml' 09.06 15:35:56+ 16 [1FF4] 00 M> > 1 PTPlugInManager::CheckWICStatus 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(633)' 09.06 15:35:56+ 16 [1FF4] 02 I> WIC codecs installed for these formats: .3FR;.AI;.ARI;.ARW;.AVCI;.AVCS;.AVIF;.AVIFS;.BAY;.BMP;.CAP;.CR2;.CR3;.CRW;.CS1;.CUR;.DCR;.DCS;.DDS;.DIB;.DNG;.DRF;.EIP;.EPS;.ERF;.EXIF;.EXR;.FFF;.GIF;.HDR;.HEIC;.HEICS;.HEIF;.HEIFS;.HIF;.ICO;.ICON;.IFF;.IIQ;.INDD;.J2C;.J2K;.JFIF;.JP2;.JPC;.JPE;.JPEG;.JPF;.JPG;.JPS;.JPX;.JXR;.K25;.KDC;.LRPREV;.MEF;.MOS;.MPO;.MRW;.NEF;.NOINDEX;.NPO;.NRW;.ORF;.ORI;.PBM;.PDD;.PDF;.PEF;.PGM;.PIC;.PLD;.PNG;.PNM;.PPM;.PSD;.PTX;.PXN;.RAF;.RAW;.RGB;.RGBE;.RLE;.RW2;.RWL;.RWZ;.SGI;.SKM;.SKP;.SR2;.SRF;.SRW;.TDI;.TGA;.TIF;.TIFF;.VTF;.WDP;.WEBP;.X3F;.XYZE 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> No codec for: 7Z,AFDESIGN,AFPHOTO,AFPUBL,AQUAS,AUDIO,AWD,AZW,BLENDER,CALS,CAM,CGM,CODE,COR,CRM,DCX,DJVU,DPX,DXF,EPUB,FAX,FITS,FLAC,FLASH,FPIX,GIMP,GPR,GZIP,IFF,JBIG,JPGXL,LTCMP,LUMINAR,LYTRO,MBM,MOBI,MP3,MRSID,ODF,OFFICE,ONPHOTO,PAGEM,PCX,PHOTOCD,PSP,QUARK,RAR,RTF,SERIF,SFW,SINAR,SUN,SVG,TAR,TEXT,THM,VCARD,WAP,WEB,WFX,WMF,XBM,XML,XPICMAP,XPM,XPS,ZIP 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> Not using codec for: GIF,JPEG,PNG,PSD 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] PTPlugInManager::CheckWICStatus 09.06 15:35:56+ 15 [1FF4] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::Startup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(2356)' 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 00 I> ET executable at 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\IMatchWebServices\exiftool.exe' 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 00 I> Engine Build: STANDARD 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 00 I> Engine config folder at 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatchAnywhere\config\' 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 00 I> Engine model folder at 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatchAnywhere\data\model\' 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 00 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::Startup 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> Service status set to running. 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> Worker thread created. Waiting for worker thread to complete. 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [5794] 02 I> Worker thread begin. 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 10 0 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Parsing XML configuration file C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatchAnywhere\IMWS\imwsconfig.xml 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Cache folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatchAnywhere\IMWS\cache 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 01 W> Authentication disabled. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSConfig.cpp(1160)' 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Configuration file loaded. 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 00 I> # Loglevel changed to 2. 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Service module filename:C:\Program Files\photools.com\IMatchWebServices\IMatchWebService.exe 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 100 0 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(3595)' 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(4989)' 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMDTemplate.cpp(315)' 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 00 S> #STS#: "engine.uptime" 0 0 0.00 "15:35:56" 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::Close 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 0 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Opening semaphore file for H:\General\iMatchDBs\Anywhere\BGSutton_27072014.imd5 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Semaphore successfully created. 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Database 'H:\General\iMatchDBs\Anywhere\BGSutton_27072014.imd5' for thread 274C (10060) shared cache 0 Writable. 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Database file has 9928.00 MB 09.06 15:35:56+ 16 [274C] 02 I> DB SOURCE-ID: '2023-05-16 12:36:15 831d0fb2836b71c9bc51067c49fee4b8f18047814f2ff22d817d25195cf350b0' 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Logging in user bgs_a on machine ARAGORN 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 10 09.06 15:35:56+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Loading catalog 09.06 15:35:57+ 344 [274C] 02 I> Database Stats 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> 6353 folders 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> 302622 files 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> 18296 categories 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> 344ms. 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Done. 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> GUID: B9B25990-9B43-475A-A76A-4DD0F7E7D719 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 30 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 35 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 37 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 42 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMFileHistory::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFileHist.cpp(355)' 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMFileHistory::Purge 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFileHist.cpp(422)' 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> FileHistory: Purging selected entries before 7/08/2023 3:35:57 PM from database. 0 entries removed. 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMFileHistory::Purge 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMFileHistory::Open 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 47 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Opening Metabase 09.06 15:35:57+ 93 [274C] 00 M> > 0 PTMetabaseMigrator::MigratePreLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabaseMigrator.cpp(55)' 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 PTMetabaseMigrator::MigratePreLoad 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 51 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Opening SimpleDB 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 PTSimpleDB::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTSimpleDB.cpp(548)' 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 PTSimpleDB::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTSimpleDB.cpp(597)' 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 PTSimpleDB::Close 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 PTSimpleDB::LoadDomains 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTSimpleDB.cpp(617)' 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 PTSimpleDB::LoadDomains 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 PTSimpleDB::Open 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 52 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Opening Cache Manager 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(479)' 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(546)' 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(580)' 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::StartupCheck 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(624)' 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 I> Cache folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\B9B25990-9B43-475A-A76A-4DD0F7E7D719\ 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::StartupCheck 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::RemoveTempFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(647)' 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::RemoveTempFiles 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(677)' 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeCache 09.06 15:35:57+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::Open 09.06 15:35:57+ 47 [274C] 02 I> Waiting for metabase... 09.06 15:35:57+ 516 [0020] 02 I> Metabase: 1307 unsafe tags for write-back loaded. 09.06 15:35:58+ 1187 [0020] 02 I> Loading write-back file cache: 09.06 15:35:58+ 0 [0020] 02 I> 0 files in cache. 09.06 15:35:58+ 0 [0020] 00 S> #STS#: "metabase.loadtime" 0 0 0.00 "1750ms" 09.06 15:35:58+ 0 [0020] 00 M> > 0 PTMetabaseMigrator::MigratePostLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabaseMigrator.cpp(80)' 09.06 15:35:58+ 0 [0020] 00 M> < 0 PTMetabaseMigrator::MigratePostLoad 09.06 15:35:59+ 313 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 54 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ProcessMachineConfig 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(4793)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ProcessMachineConfig 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Checking ET version 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 57 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Opening Thesaurus 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(2704)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::Open 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 PTAutoFillService::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTAutoFillService.cpp(57)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 PTAutoFillService::Open 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 62 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 63 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Event Queue Monitor started 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 64 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(589)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(711)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::Close 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::UpdateVerbCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(657)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 15 [274C] 00 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMRelationManager::UpdateVerbCache 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMRelationManager::Open 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Relation Manager started 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMAnnoManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMAnnoManager.cpp(97)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMAnnoManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMAnnoManager.cpp(124)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMAnnoManager::Close 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMAnnoManager::Open 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Annotation Manager started 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> DataGroup Manager started 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMGeoLocationManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGeoLocation.cpp(202)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMGeoLocationManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGeoLocation.cpp(216)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMGeoLocationManager::Close 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMGeoLocationManager::Open 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Geolocation Manager started 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 66 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2161)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2449)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMCollectionManager::Close 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMCollectionManager::Open 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 71 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMTimeline::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMTimeLine.cpp(451)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMTimeline::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMTimeLine.cpp(611)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMTimeline::Close 09.06 15:35:59+ 313 [274C] 00 S> #STS#: "timeline.loadtime" 0 0 0.00 "313ms" 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 [313ms] CIMTimeline::Open 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 73 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> FolderSweeper started 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 74 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 75 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMQueryManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMQueryManager.cpp(442)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMQueryManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMQueryManager.cpp(493)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMQueryManager::Close 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMQueryManager::Open 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Query Manager started 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 76 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 79 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMDTemplate.cpp(300)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMDTemplate.cpp(315)' 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Open 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Opening Entity Manager 09.06 15:35:59+ 16 [274C] 02 I> Opening Edge Manager 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Opening Event Manager 09.06 15:35:59+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Opening People Manager 09.06 15:36:00+ 406 [274C] 02 I> Opening Family Manager 09.06 15:36:00+ 15 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 100 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 101 85 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2457)' 09.06 15:36:00+ 63 [274C] 00 M> < 0 [63ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Start 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> UpdateQueue started 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> GUID: B9B25990-9B43-475A-A76A-4DD0F7E7D719 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 00 S> #STS#: "engine.loadtime" 0 0 0.00 "3344ms" 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 [3344ms] CIMEngine5::Open 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 103 10001 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> IMatch Web Services stopping... 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> IMatch Web Services stopped. 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Database 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatchAnywhere\IMWS\storage.db' for thread 274C (10060) shared cache 1 Writable. 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Database file has 0.05 MB 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Database 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatchAnywhere\IMWS\storage.db' for thread 274C (10060) shared cache 1 Writable. 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Database file has 0.05 MB 09.06 15:36:00+ 31 [274C] 02 I> IMatch Web Services starting... 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> IMatch Web Services running. 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Starting caches... 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> ImageCache Stats: checked: 0, created: 0 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> IMWS Cache Root Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatchAnywhere\IMWS\cache\B9B25990-9B43-475A-A76A-4DD0F7E7D719\ 09.06 15:36:00+ 16 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'BMP Decoder' for extensions '.bmp,.dib,.rle' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'GIF Decoder' for extensions '.gif' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'ICO Decoder' for extensions '.ico,.icon' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'CUR Decoder' for extensions '.cur' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'JPEG Decoder' for extensions '.jpeg,.jpe,.jpg,.jfif,.exif' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'PNG Decoder' for extensions '.png' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'TIFF Decoder' for extensions '.tiff,.tif' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'DNG Decoder' for extensions '.dng' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'WMPhoto Decoder' for extensions '.wdp,.jxr' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'DDS Decoder' for extensions '.dds' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Microsoft HEIF Decoder' for extensions '.heic,.heif,.hif,.avci,.heics,.heifs,.avcs,.avif,.avifs' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Microsoft Webp Decoder' for extensions '.webp' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Google SketchUp Thumbnail Provider (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.skp,.skm' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Adobe XMP-Based PDF Thumbnail Provider (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.pdf' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Fuji Raw Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.raf' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Adobe Lightroom® Preview Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.lrprev,.noindex' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Samsung Raw Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.srw' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Radiance HDR Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.hdr,.pic,.rgbe,.xyze' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'PNM Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.ppm,.pgm,.pbm,.pnm' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'OpenEXR Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.exr' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Hasselblad Raw Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.3fr,.fff' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Adobe DNG Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.dng' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'TGA Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.tga' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'PhotoLine Thumbnail Provider (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.pld' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Microsoft Raw Image Decoder' for extensions '.3FR,.ARI,.ARW,.BAY,.CAP,.CR2,.CR3,.CRW,.DCS,.DCR,.DRF,.EIP,.ERF,.FFF,.IIQ,.K25,.KDC,.MEF,.MOS,.MRW,.NEF,.NRW,.ORF,.ORI,.PEF,.PTX,.PXN,.RAF,.RAW,.RW2,.RWL,.SR2,.SRF,.SRW,.X3F,.DNG' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Canon Raw Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.cr2,.crw' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Epson Raw Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.erf' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Microsoft Camera Raw Decoder' for extensions '.ARW,.CR2,.CRW,.ERF,.KDC,.MRW,.NEF,.NRW,.ORF,.PEF,.RAF,.RAW,.RW2,.RWL,.SR2,.SRW,.DNG' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Panasonic Raw Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.rw2' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Adobe XMP-Based Thumbnail Provider (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.eps,.ai,.indd' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Nikon Raw Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.nef,.nrw' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Leica Raw Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.raw,.rwl' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Sony Raw Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.sr2,.srf,.arw' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'JPEG Derivative Handler (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.jps,.mpo,.npo' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Mamiya Raw Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.mef' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Autodesk Maya IFF Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.iff,.tdi' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Minolta Raw Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.mrw' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Rawzor Compressed Raw Format Previewer (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.rwz' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Pentax Raw Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.pef' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Sinar Raw Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.cs1' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Kodak Raw Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.dcr,.kdc' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'DDS Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.dds' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Softimage PIC Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.pic' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Adobe Photoshop® Document Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.psd,.pdd' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'WebP Decoder' for extensions '.webp' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'JPEG 2000 Baseline Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.jpf,.jpx,.jp2,.j2c,.j2k,.jpc' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Olympus Raw Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.orf' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Sigma X3F Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.x3f' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Valve Texture Format Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.vtf' 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Silicon Graphics RGB Decoder (FastPictureViewer Codec Pack)' for extensions '.sgi,.rgb' 09.06 15:36:00+ 125 [2748] 02 I> photools.com::IMatch\2900\lens\0 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Caches started in 141ms. 09.06 15:36:00+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 11 1 09.06 15:36:01+ 1422 [2748] 02 I> iso 09.06 15:36:03+ 1718 [2748] 02 I> shutterspeed 09.06 15:36:04+ 1563 [2748] 02 I> ptc-camera 09.06 15:36:08+ 3844 [2748] 02 I> ptc-file-extension 09.06 15:36:09+ 281 [2748] 02 I> ptc-file-extension 09.06 15:36:09+ 0 [2748] 02 I> photools.com::IMatch\2900\lens\0 09.06 15:36:09+ 0 [2748] 02 I> iso 09.06 15:36:09+ 0 [2748] 02 I> shutterspeed 09.06 15:36:09+ 0 [2748] 02 I> ptc-camera 09.06 15:36:09+ 0 [2748] 02 I> CIMWSGroupCache: 10 caches (photools.com::IMatch\2900\lens\0|1, iso|4, shutterspeed|512, ptc-camera|1, ptc-file-extension|1, ptc-file-extension|1, photools.com::IMatch\2900\lens\0|0, iso|0, shutterspeed|0, ptc-camera|0) pre-loaded in 8 s. 09.06 15:38:15+126875 [44BC] 02 I> File [381892] F:\Major trips\2023\Ningaloo 2023\Bruce RX10iv\25Aug2023\_BGS2133.dng 09.06 15:38:15+ 0 [5AD4] 02 I> File [381891] F:\Major trips\2023\Ningaloo 2023\Bruce RX10iv\25Aug2023\_BGS2132.dng 09.06 15:38:15+ 0 [589C] 02 I> File [381890] F:\Major trips\2023\Ningaloo 2023\Bruce RX10iv\25Aug2023\_BGS2131.dng 09.06 15:39:42+86781 [40C0] 02 I> ServiceCtrlHandler with code 1. 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [40C0] 02 I> ServiceCtrlHandler with code 1 finished. 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [5794] 02 I> Worker thread exit. 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [1FF4] 02 I> Worker thread completed. Shutting down. 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 20 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> IMatch Web Services stopping... 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Socket handlers closed. 09.06 15:39:42+ 31 [274C] 02 I> server closed. 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Sockets deleted. 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> ImageCache Stats: checked: 73, created: 25 09.06 15:39:42+ 32 [274C] 02 I> IMatch Web Services stopped. 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 120 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(4989)' 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMDTemplate.cpp(315)' 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Idle Delegate stopped 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Folder Scanner stopped 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Event Queue Monitor stopped 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> UpdateQueue stopped 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> FolderSweeper stopped 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMQueryManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMQueryManager.cpp(493)' 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMQueryManager::Close 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Query Manager stopped 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(711)' 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::Close 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Relation Manager stopped 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> AutoFillService closed 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(2839)' 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::Close 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Thesaurus closed 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMAnnoManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMAnnoManager.cpp(124)' 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMAnnoManager::Close 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Annotation Manager stopped 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> DataGroup Manager stopped 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMFileHistory::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFileHist.cpp(408)' 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMFileHistory::Close 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> File History closed 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2449)' 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMCollectionManager::Close 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Collection Manager closed 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMTimeline::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMTimeLine.cpp(611)' 09.06 15:39:42+ 31 [274C] 00 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMTimeline::Close 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Timeline closed 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(546)' 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::RemoveTempFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(647)' 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::RemoveTempFiles 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(677)' 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeCache 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(580)' 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Cache Manager closed 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Event Queue closed 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Thumbnail Cache closed 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Blob Stores closed 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:42+ 78 [274C] 02 I> Catalog Database closed 09.06 15:39:42+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:44+ 1313 [274C] 02 I> Metabase closed 09.06 15:39:44+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:44+ 0 [274C] 00 M> > 0 PTSimpleDB::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTSimpleDB.cpp(597)' 09.06 15:39:44+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 PTSimpleDB::Close 09.06 15:39:44+ 0 [274C] 02 I> SimpleDB closed 09.06 15:39:44+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Event Manager closed 09.06 15:39:44+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Family Manager closed 09.06 15:39:44+ 0 [274C] 02 I> People Manager closed 09.06 15:39:44+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Edge Manager closed 09.06 15:39:44+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Entity Manager closed 09.06 15:39:44+ 0 [274C] 02 I> Settings Store closed 09.06 15:39:44+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:44+ 0 [274C] 02 I> DataStore closed 09.06 15:39:44+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:44+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:45+ 1046 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:45+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 121 0 09.06 15:39:45+ 0 [274C] 00 S> #STS#: "engine.uptime" 0 0 0.00 "00:03:49" 09.06 15:39:45+ 0 [274C] 00 M> < 0 [2468ms] CIMEngine5::Close 09.06 15:39:45+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 122 10001 09.06 15:39:45+ 0 [274C] 02 I> WSA: 21 1 09.06 15:39:45+ 0 [1FF4] 00 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::Shutdown 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(743)' 09.06 15:39:45+ 0 [40C0] 02 I> Service main finished. 09.06 15:39:45+ 0 [40C0] 00 I> # Logfile closed (407 writes, 3 phyiscal writes).